Friday, February 13, 2009

Science Prevails: Abortion and Mental Health

As feminist activists, it is crucial for us to be educated on the issues that we organize around. Our Choices Campaign to Stop Fake Clinics seeks to expose so-called crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) that use deceptive advertising to target college students and distribute false and medically inaccurate claims about abortion and birth control.

A recent editorial co-authored by FMF medical director, Beth Jordan, highlights one of those false claims, the link between abortion and negative mental health outcomes. As pro-choice activists (women and men alike) we have personally experienced the effects of anti-choice political agendas waged on the battlefields of our bodies. This editorial seeks to make the important proclamation that amidst the deception of dangerous political agendas, scientific evidence still stands to prove the safety of abortion procedures. The editorial offers that,
"Fortunately, recent reviews of the scientific literature reinforce what many reproductive health care providers already know: evidence for the claim that abortion negatively affects a woman's mental health is lacking. How well we as reproductive health providers and advocates are able to convey this positive message to patients, the public, and policymakers will depend, in part, on how well we ourselves understand the findings and feel confident in their scientific integrity."
And with that confidence, not only in the scientific evidence but even more importantly in the understanding we have of our own bodies, we must continue to use our voices, our talents and passions, and the ability to organize to ensure that women's health not be endangered any longer. Let us use the power of knowledge and our own experiences to expose the threat and danger of false medical information being distributed by crisis pregnancy centers on our campuses and in our communities!

Want to learn more about how to start organizing on your campus to stop fake clinics? Contact me at and download our online kit today!

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