Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Success on University of Louisiana-Lafayette's Campus!!

Our affiliate, Women Organizing Women (WOW), at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette has experienced huge success lately on campus!! This Valentine's Day marked the first time in ULL's history that condoms were allowed to be distributed on campus. And it was with the awesome organizing of WOW members that 450 safe sex packets made their way into the hands of students. With a concrete goal in mind and the use of effective strategies for change (such as target meetings and awareness activities) WOW members have demonstrated how to run a successful campaign in the face of opposition!

Another success for women's health and rights was won last week, when WOW members met with the campus health center director to discuss the danger of referring students to local crisis pregnancy centers. Last semester, several WOW members visited a local CPC that students are being referred to by health services staff. Literature was collected during the visit that stated false links between abortion and breast cancer, and several students have mistakenly visited this CPC when looking for abortion and birth control services or referrals.

While the health center director would not agree to stop CPC referrals altogether, new pregnancy care packets in the health services center will now include a disclaimer that CPCs hold biased viewpoints and are not medical facilities. This in itself is an awesome victory! It is also a great example of how urging incremental change creates the space and opportunity for seismic social change!

Keep up the amazing work WOW members!


PatRice said...

WOOOHOOO! Go ULL-WOW! Keep the fire going!

WendyM said...

That's awesome!