Crisis Pregnancy Centers pose as comprehensive women’s health clinics and advertise under “abortion” and “family planning” services, but do not offer abortion services, contraception, or referrals. Instead, they have an anti-choice agenda and tell women misinformation about the affects of abortion in attempts to dissuade women away from all of their choices.
- Host a Screening of 12th and Delaware or of FMF's two videos on the deception of Crisis Pregnancy Centers, which can be found here, followed by a discussion.
- Create education flyers and posters identifying comprehensive women's health clinics and warning people are fake clinics in your area. Here's a template from our action kit.
- Talk to your Campus Health Center, and ask if they refer students to CPCs. Almost half of 4-year universities in the US do! If your Health Center on campus refers women to CPCs, make them stop, or in the very least have them put a disclaimer!
- Hand out "Trick of Truth Treats" with candy and facts about CPCs. The truth is delicious!
- Stage a protest at your nearest CPC, warning women about their deceptive practices. Or have a speak out/rally at your school!
- Host a "haunted clinic" at your school. Instead of ghosts and ghouls, emulate what goes on inside a creepy CPC.
- Photo campaign! Take pictures of people holding up signs with what they want to say about CPCs. Take photos and post them on campus, in a Facebook album, create a photo blog, or send it to your legislators!
- Propose a "Truth in Advertising" disclaimer on campus if your campus health center refers to CPCs, or campus newspaper accepts ads from CPCs
- Burma Shave Signs. These are consecutive signs posted one after another at a visible place on campus. Here is an example:
- You wouldn't want your dentist telling you that brushing your teeth will give you cavities.
- So why would you want (insert name of local CPC) saying that birth control is ineffective?
- or that abortion will give you breast cancer?
- or make you infertile?
- or make you more likely to commit suicide?
- Crisis Pregnancy Centers deceive women!
Have more ideas? We'd like to know what you are planning! Contact us at campusteam@feminist.org or call 866-444-3652 Happy exposing!
1 comment:
wow-- great ideas! Love it.
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