Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Don't be fooled by fake clinics!

Happy April Fool's Day! We hope you're busy executing all manner of devious pranks today.

Unfortunately, every day is April Fool's Day for crisis pregnancy centers. CPCs claim to assist women faced with unplanned pregnancies, but they are not legitimate health clinics staffed by licensed healthcare professionals.

Unlike comprehensive healthcare clinics, they give women medically inaccurate information and pressure them to carry unintended pregnancies to term. These fake clinics often pose as women's health clinics, but they do not provide abortion services or referrals, and they do not provide balanced information on family planning options like condoms or emergency contraception.

CPCs receive millions of dollars in state and federal funding. Our tax dollars would be better spent on clinics that present the full range of medical options for women who are pregnant.

If there are fake clinics near your campus or in your community, make sure your friends and classmates know these are not medical facilities. Work with your student health center to end referrals to CPCs.

Educate your elected officials so they know CPCs are not comprehensive healthcare providers but receive disproportionate amounts of public money. Keep working on and off campus to protect choice and promote women's health!

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