Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Acheiving equality on Capitol Hill

Politico.com ran a great piece yesterday entitled, "Hill still a climb for female staffers," outlining just how far women have come and just how far we have left to go.

It comes as no surprise that Capitol Hill still holds strong to the antiquated identity of a good ol' boys club.  While, for the first time in herstory, the Speaker of the House is a woman (and a feminist, to boot!), and there are growing networks of women in high-ranking staff positions, women run only 2 of 17 top leadership offices in the House and Senate (House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio, and House Democratic Caucus Co-Chair Xavier Becerra of California).

For those who can't get the link at the top, check out the entire piece at: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0509/22352.html

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