Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Possible End to Abstinence-Only Education?

So, the big news today is that President Obama's FY2010 was finally released! Though it's a pretty hefty document to paw through, we've got some good news!

The President's budget:
"... proposes a new Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative to support community-based and faith-based efforts to reduce teen pregnancy using evidence-based and promising models. In addition, a new Strengthening Communities Fund will help build the capacity of non-profit organizations and State, Local and Tribal entities to better serve low-income and disadvantaged populations. This Budget also proposes funding for (1) a new child welfare initiative, and (2) a human services case management system for Federally-declared disasters. This Budget eliminates funding for Community-Based Abstinence Education, the mandatory Title V Abstinence Education program, the Compassion Capital Fund, and Rural Community Facilities." From the President's Budget (PDF) - page 491 for those interested

Hallelujah! I know that I am not the only one elated that we finally have a president that is interested in spending our tax dollars on sex ed programs that WORK instead of ab-only programs that DON'T. Comprehensive sex ed saves lives, and we here at FMF are excited that this is a priority.

There's quite a buzz over this, and we may post some more commentary tomorrow, but here's some links to other thoughts on the web:
Salon Broadsheet


WendyM said...

Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!! I love the "evidence-based" aspect of the new programming. Guess that means the abstinence-ONLY bs is out the door! (Hopefully)

Unknown said...

Fantastic!!!! It's an amazing feeling to know our country's leadership understands the BS has got to go!!! Way to value our children and their future!! A big WOOOO-HOOOO!!