Friday, September 4, 2009

Exposing Fake Clinics: Making Money Off of Adoption

Hopefully by now, you're well aware of FMF's Campaign to Expose Fake Clinics. (If not, check it out!) We're currently working on updating the campaign tool kit with the most recent legislative information and new ways for you to get involved!

Watch this short video on crisis pregnancy centers to learn more! We worked with RH Reality check to produce the video, and just posted it on our website:

Our Reality: A Look at Crisis Pregnancy Centers from RH Reality Check on Vimeo.

You should also check out The Nation's recent article on CPCs and their shady links to anti-abortion adoption agencies. Here's an excerpt from the article:

Religious women may be particularly susceptible to CPC coercion, argues Mari Gallion, a 39-year-old Alaska mother who founded the support group after a CPC unsuccessfully pressured her to relinquish her child ten years ago.

Gallion, who has worked with nearly 3,000 women with unplanned pregnancies, calls CPCs "adoption rings" with a multistep agenda: evangelizing; discovering and exploiting women's insecurities about age, finances or parenting; then hard-selling adoption, portraying parenting as a selfish, immature choice.

"The women who are easier to coerce in these situations are those who subscribe to conservative Christian views," says Gallion. "They'll come in and be told that, You've done wrong, but God will forgive you if you do the right thing."

To read the entire article, click here.

To join FMF's Campaign to Expose Fake clinics, email For more information on CPCs, visit our website

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