Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Emergency Rally in Los Angeles at 12 Noon TODAY!

Stand up for women's health and join Planned Parenthood Los Angeles for an emergency rally in Los Angeles TODAY at 12 noon!

Governer Schwarzenegger has just announced his intention to cut funding for family planning services - including the life-saving cancer-screening, contraception and STI testing and treatment services that millions of Californians rely on.

Today, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles will be rallying to thank a long time supporter and ally in the fight to protect family planning, Speaker-Elect John A. Perez, and to stand up against cuts to these vital services!

Where: 320 4th St., Los Angeles 90013.
When: Tuesday, January 12, 12 - 1pm.

PPLA will provide signs.

Hope to see you there!

1 comment:

dkdanielson said...

We need you all in Massachusetts! We have a special election for a US Senate seat and it is a close race. The Rep. candidate is supported by Pro-life groups and other extreme right wing groups. For more on his views on women see: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/morra-aaronsmele/adopt-a-massachusetts-vot_b_420997.html.

Come out and support the only real pro-choice candidate - Martha Coakley on Friday at 2 pm in Boston at a rally featuring Bill Clinton and John Kerry: http://marthacoakley.com/events/details/1170.