Monday, September 28, 2009

US Still Denies Majority Population Equal Rights

Ever since the Equal Rights Amendment fell three states short of ratification in 1982, it has been consistently reintroduced into Congress every subsequent year, in an attempt to finally and permanently secure basic civil rights for women.

In July, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney took up the task of introducing the ERA once again. Will this finally be the year that the majority population will be able to sleep soundly and know that their rights will no longer be subject to manipulation, regardless of shifting political tides?

A recent post at the Huffington Post takes a look at why women everywhere might be overlooking the crucial significance of the ERA.

... And don't forget to check out the awesome photo at the bottom of the blog post where FMF President Ellie Smeal and current DC intern Maggie Skelton showed their support for the reintroduction of the ERA on July 21, 2009.

1 comment:

Shannon Drury said...

Keep spreading the news....the ERA is BACK, baby!