There are so many things to be thankful for when it comes to women's equality. From the women who changed history to the people who support us in our everyday lives, feminists have many reasons to give thanks. However, there is still much work to be done to make the world a truly equitable place for all women.
With Thanksgiving coming up, it's a great time to reflect on things we have to be thankful for and to turn that gratefulness into service to others. Here are a few ideas of how to pay-it-forward on the things you may be thankful for:
- Blessed with some incredibly respectful men in your life - friends, relatives, significant others - who encourage your individuality? Volunteer or donate to your local women's shelter to assist those who aren't as fortunate.
- Grateful for modern social freedoms, like owning property and having the right to vote? Teach a girl about women's history or volunteer at a local women's history museum.
- Appreciating some incredible women in elected office? Donate to an organization that supports female candidates and encourage women leaders you know to run for office.
- Inspired by feminist writers like Gloria Steinem and Naomi Wolf? Keep their tradition alive by supporting feminist publications and writing about your own experiences.
- Received an amazing feminist education? Support the women's and gender studies department at a local college by making a donation or attending their on-campus events.
Photo credit: JP Puerta on flickr.com
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