Monday, July 13, 2009

Good News

Last Friday, the House Committe on Appropriations Subcommitte on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies passed their bill and eliminated traditional sources abstinence-only programs! Talk about awesome news!

Research, and common sense, says that ab-only education is ineffective in reducing unwanted pregnancies and the transmission of STIs, HIV, and AIDS. Ab-only education has been recieving millions of dollars in federal funding for years, despite evidence that it was not actually doing what it claimed to do. It is not clear what funding ab-only programs will recieve or if that funding will go to comprehensive sex education programs.

In addition to this, the bill also removed the ban on syringe exchange programs that reduce the spread of HIV. The ban was instated because of false ideas that the programs actually increased the spread of HIV.

Hopefully these changes will signal a progression towards actaully reducing the rates of unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STIs, HIV and AIDS. Oh, and a move towards honesty and openness about sexuality.
Photo courtesy of

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