Monday, June 1, 2009

Action in Rememberance of Dr. George Tiller

Aired today on Democracy Now, an excellent news coverage on the life and activism of Dr. George Tiller painted a clear picture of the significance of his work, the dangers in practicing reproductive health care and promoting reproductive justice, and why we need his work to continue on.

Among those who worked so closely with him over the past years--Dr. Tiller's attorney, Laura Shaneyfelt; OB/GYN and Tiller's colleague for seven years, Dr. Shelley Sella; gynecologist and also colleague of Tiller, Dr. Susan Robinson; senior attorney with the Center for Reproductive rights who represented more than 2,000 Dr. Tiller's patients, Bonnie Scott Jones; and president of the Feminist Majority Foundation who worked with Tiller on anti-clinic violence, Ellie Smeal--all shared their stories on what it was like working with him and their involvement in the pro-choice movement.

If your feminist group is looking to educate your campus about Dr. Tiller's significant history in the fight for reproductive choice and honor those who place their life on the line everyday to provide adequate and accessible reproductive services, consider these options:
  1. Host a vigil in honor of Dr. Tiller's life
  2. Host a screening and dialogue about Democracy Now's news story
  3. Send greeting cards of support and encouragement for the awesome work of reproductive health clinics in your area.
If you have other helpful ideas, please feel free to post a comment or contact us at

Let us always keep the feminist fire burning!

In solidarity!

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