Tuesday, June 2, 2009

SOAPBOX! History of Anti-Abortion Terrorism

So I've decided to go on my soapbox today. I hope you all don't mind. I was watching a youtube clip of the Rachel Maddow Show this week where Maddow highlighted a timeline of past acts of terror and murder against abortion providers, and a few things came to mind. Check it out and tell us what you think!

This youtube clip is ironically titled "Brief History of Pro-Life Terrorism", but it's essentially an oxymoron. There's nothing pro-life about political terrorism and murder. There's nothing pro-life about honoring assassins. Anti-abortion extremists that justify their terrorist acts through arguments of morality and faith only attempt to dismiss the ethical and medical reasonings for abortion services. Therefore, the two arguments aren't even on the same page, let alone the same book! You would think we would have a greater understanding of this since we've been inundated with the "war on terrorism" for the past 8 years. How funny that we turn a blind eye to it here at home.

The one question I have is: why is mainstream media referring to Dr. Tiller's death as simply a murder. Dr. Tiller was ASSASSINATED! By making this claim, this politicizes the issue of terrorism and extremism in our country as it relates to reproductive justice. This issue can no longer be simplified and unchallenged because of differences of moral beliefs. As Maddow mentioned, "violence [is being used] as a political strategy" and these acts are "politically motivated" to "intimidate women from seeking these services". This is a political issue if history has shown a continuum of radical acts of violence against abortion providers.

In my last attempt to rant on my soapbox, I wholeheartedly wish that the dialogue among those who define themselves as "pro-choice", "anti-choice", "pro-life", "anti-abortion", and anything else in between can expand beyond life vs. abortion. This black and white dichotomy doesn't give room for the exceptional realities that lie in the gray area. Are we hearing those stories? If we stick to "objective", factual information, then maybe we can reach some plausible conclusions. Essentially, we must do right by women who have to live out their choices day in and day out, with or without the consent of those who do not live her reality. If we hope to see substantive change in our nation, let it come because we've assumed the posture of allowing true democratic freedoms to exist for everyone involved.

One more thing, check out Melissa Harris-Lacewell's article "Countering Anti-Choice Terrorism" in the Nation.


1 comment:

WendyM said...

Great post, Patrice. I especially appreciate that Rachel Maddow is calling Dr. Tiller's assassination what it is: domestic terrorism.