Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"Extraordinarily relieved" for Ling and Lee's Release and Return!

For journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, todays homecoming at Bob Hope Airport is a solemn celebration of their survival. Early this morning, both journalists, and Former President Bill Clinton were greeted by family, friends, and former VP Al Gore. The journalists work for Gore's news network Current TV and have been detained since March 17, 2009 while working on a story. Both Gore and Clinton traveled to North Korea to work behind the scenes to help free these two brave women. In a statement Clinton said, "When their families, Vice President Gore and the White House asked that I undertake this humanitarian mission, I agreed. I share a deep sense of relief with Laura and Euna and their families that they are safely home," reported the LA Times.

Talk about risking your life for your work, these women spent the last 140 days detained in North Korea. North Korea people! They risked their lives for their work and I am floored in admiration of their bravery. Personally, being interested in global journalism myself, I am in awe of their dedication and bravery toward their craft. This story comes to end on a happy note as they return to the U.S.A. with their health, lives, and an unimaginable journalistic experience. These women have shown the rest of the world what it takes to be a journalist, no fear.

Emily Miller, another east coast intern, wrote about this on our blog yesterday if you would like more information about this story.

It's rare we hear good news out of North Korea, but today, there is reason to celebrate!

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