Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Only Ugly Women are Feminists

You know what? Feminists have tried pretty hard to trick the world into thinking that we're not ugly, vengeful manhaters. Thankfully, Karl Lagerfeld has been able see through our act.

Evidently, while channeling Chanel in a recent interview (explain that one to me), Lagerfeld said that "I was never a feminist because I was never ugly enough."

It's not like this comment has got me running to a mirror to see if I am indeed ugly, because I don't need an old, robotic man telling me that I am beautiful or not. I just think this is dumb. This is seriously one of the most tired anti-feminist arguments ever. Women don't engage in feminism out of rejection by men....

It doesn't even make an sense to characterize people who believe in a specific ideology or movement as being attractive or unattractive. It's not like we say that all Communists are sexy, for example. Maybe feminists are characterized by attractiveness because they are women? And, maybe this whole mess is reflective of the place women have occupied in society throughout history?

Photo Courtesy of Daniel Morrison on Flickr

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