Monday, August 10, 2009

Help Protect Dr. Carhart's Clinic!!

Federal marshals are no longer protecting Dr. Leroy Carhart. At a time when anti-choice violence is on the rise and instances of domestic terrorism are flaring up on street corners across the nation, the Department of Justice has decided to stop protecting Dr. Carhart.

Antis have threatened his clinic. They have threatened his life. In doing so, they have threatened the future of reproductive rights in the United States.

Operation Rescue and other anti-choice extremist groups are in the process of training individuals to blockade Dr. Carhart’s clinic at the end of August. They are inviting certain individuals to “training sessions” that they are hoping will end in the closing of Dr. Carhart’s clinic. In a recent article by Jodi Jacobson of RH Reality Check, she offers some insight into the threatening undertones of this blockade.

This is where you come in… If you, or anyone you know who cares about reproductive rights, will be in/near/around Nebraska toward the end of August, join up with local women’s rights organizations to help peacefully protect access to Dr. Carhart’s clinic. In the meantime, we will continue to plead with the federal government to reinstate marshal protection for Dr. Carhart.

Feel free to contact with any questions or comments.
Photo courtesy of

1 comment:

WendyM said...

That is horribly frightening.