Friday, August 14, 2009

Reforming Health Insurance - Ay ay aaaay!

According to Bloomberg News, there are approximately 6 health care lobbyists (of various persuasions) for EACH Capitol Hill legislator.

That being said, with all the hubub lately surrounding the health insurance debate, we thought we'd try to offer a few of the basics we've come across thus far. Under the existing legislation:

- Young adults would be eligible under family coverage through the age of 26 (woo hoo!)

- Insurance companies would not be allowed to deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

- Insurance companies would no longer be able to drop your coverage because of serious illness.

- Insurance companies would no longer be able to charge higher premiums for women.

In all reality, it's hard not to argue that insurance companies are controlling our health care and they have their eyes on their substantial and rising profits, not on our health.

What do you think? Have you read the bill? Have you read any insightful articles?

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