Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good News Out of North Korea: American Journalists Pardoned

There are days when I feel as if the phrase “good news” is becoming an oxymoron, but then there is a day like today… The New York Times has just reported that North Korea will pardon the two American journalists, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, who were initially detained in North Korea on March 17, 2009. The two women ended up in North Korea while working on a story for Current TV.

In June, the two women were convicted of entering North Korea illegally. Their sentence? Twelve-years of hard labor. Today, former President Bill Clinton traveled to North Korea to discuss the matter with Kim Jong-il. At some point during the meeting, Mr. Kim pardoned the two women, but we are still unsure of when the women will arrive back in the United States.

For one day, the nuclear weapons discussion and speculation over Mr. Kim’s failing health fell to the wayside, and the world focused in on two young women whose futures have been restored. (Well, we are not entirely silent on the other issues... In fact, I just read an interesting piece that introduces a "body-double" theory, as Mr. Kim appeared healthier today.) Regardless, today, the world got some good news.

Please contact campusteam@feminist.org with any questions or comments!
Photo courtesy of www.flickr.com.

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