Friday, August 7, 2009

It's a wild world

Violence against women is something that has existed for centuries, but recent events have really got me even more concerned about it. I was just going about my business this morning when I saw this poem that literally had me breaking out in a cold sweat.

What with that guy shooting women at that gym, and the rising rates of male rape in the Congo the world is just really overwhelming at the moment.

It is just terrifying to think that we live in a world where men think that violence, especially sexual violence, is an actual option for dealing with personal problems, anger, or frustration.

Obviously this is something I have thought about before, it's just that the events/stories of this week are hitting me like a ton of iron. Part of me gets mad that I have to be more concerned about my safety than a man does.

Part of me just wants to say to hell with self-policing and following the safety tips that are posted in women's bathrooms on college campuses. Frankly, I think that I should be able to live my life without having to mold my schedule around the times and places that a man would most likely attack me. But, of course, that is not all that realistic. And, if I did that and something happened to me, the majority of people would just say that it's my fault.
Photo courtesy of rhodes

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